Ultimate Showdown: Wood vs. Galvanized Steel Fence Posts – Elevate Your Fencing Game
Our goal is to help you make the perfect choice to secure your home or business with a fence that not only looks impeccable but can also stand the test of time.
For most property owners, the choice is between traditional wood 4×4s and steel posts. This article will look at how they compare in terms of longevity, maintenance, and ease of use.
Understanding Post Manufacturing
Wood Posts
While there can be some variety in the manufacturing processes, most wood posts you can purchase at a lumberyard or hardware store come from a log used for making plywood. In many cases, these posts contain the pith of the log, the central portion where the age rings are the closest. This structure makes them less stable, so they are likely to warp or twist over time, especially when exposed to temperature changes.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
Producing steel fence posts starts with rolling steel into the desired shape and cutting it to the proper length. The cut steel pieces are fed into forming machines for final shaping. Holes and notches are punched into the posts to attach fencing materials later on. A final step involves coating the steel with zinc in a process known as galvanization. The zinc coating protects the steel from moisture, preventing rust and corrosion.
Does rot resistance concern you?
While pressure treatment can delay the breakdown of organic material in wood posts, it cannot stop it entirely. Especially in moist climates, wood posts will rot and weaken over time. Imagine the frustration of seeing broken posts right after you’ve treated or painted your fence.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
On the other hand, steel doesn’t rot. Untreated steel may rust, but galvanized steel has a protective zinc layer that stops corrosion and rust for decades.
Worried about your fence bending out of shape?
Temperature changes wreak havoc on Wood Posts, causing them to warp. With Steel Posts, you can sit back and relax! They'll stand straight and true, unaffected by temperature or moisture.
Wind Resistance
Wood Posts
Strong winds are a concern for property owners with wooden posts holding their fences together, especially if they have been weakened by rot. A strong summer thunderstorm blows through, and you’re suddenly dealing with thousands of dollars’ worth of fence repairs.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
Steel fence posts are made to handle strong winds. Our posts have been tested in winds over 72+ mph without bending. If your fence is supported by steel, it minimizes the damage a heavy windstorm can cause.
Wood Posts
One place where traditional wood fence posts may seem to have an advantage is the initial cost. Depending on the quality, you can find wood posts at a lower price than steel posts.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
Galvanized steel fence posts might be an added up front investment, but their longevity and lack of maintenance make them a better deal in the long run. You’ll appreciate the extra investment when your neighbor is digging out and replacing rotten fence posts in a few years.
Wood Posts
The longevity of wood posts depends on their quality and the local climate. However, most property owners can expect to repair or replace their posts within 10 years of installation. In some cases, homeowners must replace warped posts within 5 years.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
The strength and longevity of UniPost fence posts are what makes them a great investment for your property. Galvanization is not perfect protection from rust and corrosion, but it makes a huge difference in the life expectancy of metal fence posts. You can expect your posts will be strong and supportive for up to 70 years after installation. If you install them today, their replacement will be a problem for your grandchildren to handle.
Wood Posts
Property owners can extend the life of wood fence posts by performing regular maintenance. Most suppliers recommend staining and sealing your wood every 2-5 years. This is a time-consuming, messy task that adds a long-term expense to your fence. Keep in mind that, even with regular care, you will still probably need to replace the posts every 10 years or so.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
Steel fence posts from UniPost are a maintenance-free option. Once they’re properly installed, they are ready to provide years of consistent support for your fence. Many homeowners who want a more traditional look will cover their steel posts with extra wood pickets, knowing they won’t need to access them any time soon.
Ease of Installation
Wood Posts
The recommended installation instructions for wood posts involve digging deep post holes and setting the posts in gravel and concrete. The concrete may have to cure as much as 48 hours before you can continue fence construction.
Galvanized Steel Fence Posts
You’ll find various options for metal fence post installation. Some property owners prefer to set their fence posts in concrete and gravel for additional stability. However, in the right conditions, you can simply pound the metal posts directly into the ground. In this case, you can move directly from post installation to fence construction.
The UniPost Difference
In the end, the choice is clear. While the allure of wood posts lies in their initial cost, the Galvanized Steel Fence Posts provide durability, peace of mind, and long-lasting value. Trust UniPost steel fence posts for a dependable and long-term fencing solution that stands firm through the years!